Can You Call Me "Pastor" Mitchell?

I will admit up front that I am a little uneasy with this blog.

(I’ve got those people-pleasing insecurities I still fight against as one of my core idols and a part of me would rather not ask this at all)

Let me begin by taking you back 10 years ago. I was 20 years old and my church appointed me as a “Pastor” of the 18-25 yr. old (College Ministry). I remember very clearly, at that time, telling multiple people who began calling me “Pastor Mitchell” the following:

“Oh, you don’t have to call me Pastor Mitchell. Mitchell is just fine. I don’t need that title.”

My reasoning was this: I don’t want people, primarily the young people at my age, to feel forced to refer me by that title. I also wanted them to understand my heart at the onset of me being their new Pastor. Asking the young adults I pastored to call me “Pastor” seemed petty, prideful, and power-seeking at that time.  

But now I’m 30 years old and a tiny bit wiser. (Just a wee-bit wiser… but still pesky)

Nowadays, I think about how God wants me to lead you. My wife and I are committed to being here at THC for the long-term, so that the fruit for the Kingdom can outlast us. I want THC to become a place where God is being glorified in so many different ways and a place where we are all growing spiritually to be more like Jesus.

I recently hit year 3 as your Pastor. And I believe, that overall, you’ve seen enough of my heart to know that asking for this request won’t be viewed as the Pastor being “egotistical and prideful”. I wouldn’t have asked this in year one, but now I am more comfortable with asking this.

I’m at a place, in my walk with Jesus & ministry, where the title “Pastor” is not something I idolize or gather my sense of identity from. It’s not like when someone calls me “Pastor Mitchell” I get a tingly sensation in my soul where I suddenly feel validated. Nope. This may sound strange to you, but the reason I am asking that you call me “Pastor Mitchell” instead of “Mitch” or “Mitchell” is actually for your sake.

Let me explain:

The Bible speaks a lot to the issue of honoring/respecting those in spiritual authority.

1 Timothy 5:17 -

“Let the elders who rule well be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in preaching and teaching.“

Hebrews 13:17 -

“Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with groaning, for that would be of no advantage to you..“

1 Thessalonians 5:12-13 -

“We ask you, brothers, to respect those who labor among you and are over you in the Lord and admonish you, and to esteem them very highly in love because of their work. Be at peace among yourselves.”

The Bible says honor, respect, and submit to your leaders…. with joy even. I think what complicates this issue a bit - is the extremes and the bad examples of some Pastors.  

See, if I was your Pastor and demanded honor from you -  I would be totally wrong. God calls Pastors to be servant-leaders, loving the flock, and living a life worth following.

There have been many examples of Pastors who make a fuss over not being called a Pastor. I would say that if I felt disrespected for not being called a Pastor - the problem wouldn’t be the people who call me “Mitch”, the problem would be my own pride and insecurity.

That’s one extreme. And then there’s the other side where you, the congregation, don’t view me as your leader but like a fellow church member. But this is not true.

Biblically, Jesus sent me to you as a gift to teach, train, and mobilize you to spread the Kingdom. (Eph. 4:11-12)

You’ve been given a Mexican gift ;)

The way this relationship works is I need to be a humble, Jesus-loving, servant-leader who teaches and pushes you to Christ-likeness and you need to be the humble, Jesus-loving, servant-followers who obey Jesus by obeying your Pastor (unless I ask you to do something sinful).

Lastly, I want to be very clear here.

I do very much feel honored and respected by all of you at THC - I want to be clear about that! When you don’t call me “Pastor” I don’t feel dishonored,.

But I still want to push you (in love) to grow in showing honor to your spiritual leaders.

When I greet members from Beautiful Church I do so with a bow and a Korean greeting. Why? Because that physical act, words, and tone communicate honor in that culture.

When I send an email to my Seminary Professor, I always begin with “Professor Smith…”. Why? Because the title communicates that I respect him as an authority. I don’t feel forced to do this.. I choose to do this because it’s a way I can show honor.

Why is this important enough for me to make this request?

I think that teaching you ways to “show honor” is part of my job and will contribute to your growth as a follower of Jesus who always honored His Father in Heaven while He was here.

I think this will actually translate into you showing more honor towards your Shepherds, who are supposed to be humble servant-leaders who are looking after your souls. I think this will also lead to you showing greater honor in God Himself - who deserves the utmost honor in our lives.

If I’m not honoring my parents, my boss, my spiritual authorities, etc - there’s a good chance I’m not honoring God.  

I love you and I promise that if you forget I won’t slap you ;)


Pastor Mitchell

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