Pastor Mitch Enters the Blog Game

Hello there!

So as of today, I, Pastor Mitch, have officially entered the blogging game. I've never really been much of a "blogger" or a "blog reader", but I think using the platform of a blog can be a helpful means of communicating with y'all at The Home Church.

For one, it provides an additional avenue of communication and clarity of what we are doing at THC ("THC" is not a drug reference if you just so happen to be a first time visitor to our church/site)... more communication is never a bad thing!

And secondly, I realize that I enjoy processing and explaining myself in writing. Like many of you, I'm not always the best "on my feet" or in the "spur of the moment".

Blogging allows me to really think through things and explain things more effectively.

Also... A Few things:

1. My primary audience that I am thinking of in these blog posts, will be the people who attend The Home Church. I imagine that from time-to-time I may feel inclined to write a blog post directed towards non-members, but for the most part, I plan on using this as a way to more clearly communicate with THC peeps.

2. I plan on blogging about once a week. Don't kill me if I go over or under that quota though ;)

3. I plan on talking about everything from why we do certain things at THC to Family Church issues to doctrine/theology stuff to thoughts as a Pastor/follower of Jesus to what God is doing in my personal life to midnight quesadillas. (Mhmmm midnight quesadillas... be right back!) Maybe in the future I can even use these blogs to answer some questions you may have as a member, VIP, or church attendee... I'm open to that too!

I hope that through these blog entries we can be more unified as a church, and maybe even learn a thing or two, and laugh a thing or three... Corny Pastor out!

For the Kingdom of Jesus,

Pastor Mitch


Don Davies - November 6th, 2021 at 8:14am

Beautiful message right here. Pastor Mitch and Keion, have really been my staple spiritual Houston pastors. I wish you more success and my God give you strength to continue guiding us faithful to the path of the Lord!

Peter Maxwell - August 21st, 2022 at 6:36am

I truly want to mention, attest to, and bear testimony to the many excellent things our Houston pastors like Keion Henderson,, and other preachers here do for the people! Taking care of the populace and leading them to the Lord is not an easy task.